Saturday, April 5, 2008

Synopsis of Rose’s research

Synopsis of Rose’s research includes:

The outline for a Docu-drama titled "Four Ed's Sake", about her path with Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910 The author of 'Her holistic path'). As a teacher-healer who is the Founder of the Christian Science movement and the school of ‘The Science of Christian Science’. This teaches the preventative and holistic side of the Revelators discovery as revealed by John W. Doorly in the 1930’s.

An outline for a Canadian Parody: 'La Comfiture' This is using comedy as a musical to teach these fairly new but infinite concepts and advanced spiritual science with quantum physics

Studying the works of Helen Wright, author of ‘Star of Boston: The Life of Mary Baker’

Refers to Einstein’s study of Christian Science “You people don't know what you have in that book (meaning Science and Health). Einstein and Christian science

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